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Predefinição:Lista minimizável
De Wiki Donkey Kong
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No StrategyWiki, esta predefinição cria uma lista recolhível com espaço para até 50 itens.
- Unnamed
These range from 1–50 and don't require a parameter name. For instance {{lista minimizável|one|two|three}} will result in:
- Named parameters
These parameters are all technically optional, but it is suggested that you at least give the title parameter.
- title: The title of the list. Default is "List".
- expand: Putting something here will make the list expanded on page load. Default is collapsed.
- framestyle: CSS styling for the entire list container. Default is "border:none; padding:0;".
- titlestyle: CSS styling for the title element. Default is "background:transparent;font-size:12px".
- liststyle: CSS styling for the list itself. Default is "text-align:left;".
- Standalone template
{{lista minimizável |one |two |three |title=Example list |expand=yes |framestyle=padding:3px;border:1px solid black; |titlestyle=background-color:pink;padding:2px;text-align:center; |liststyle=text-align:left;color:blue;margin-left:10px; }}